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13 Oct Recent Examples of Religious Freedom Violated

The violation of the right to practice ones religion freely is violated in many parts of the world in our own time. Here are just two stories which give examples from two very different countries...

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13 Oct Aldcliffe

In this article the main subject is a village – Aldcliffe, a small hamlet close to the city of Lancaster. iIs story over two centuries, reveals much about religious rights and changing political times...

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13 Oct The Quakers and Lancaster Castle

The early history of the Quaker movement centred on the North West of England. There are therefore strong connections with Lancaster Castle which, as a court and prison, served as the regional seat of state...

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12 Oct David: LGBT Activist

David describes here how as a young man he was motivated by Section 28 to get involved in politics, travelling down to from Lancaster to Manchester by coach with others from his group to take...

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12 Oct Ruth: LGBT Youth Worker

Ruth was involved in running the PYRO (Proud Youth r Out) LGBT youth group in Lancaster in the late 1990s. Here she discusses why she feels there is still a need for groups like this...

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