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06 Oct Global LGBT Rights Activity

While the UK has introduced legislation in recent years that protects the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people, in other parts of the world the law actively discriminates against members of the...

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Franchise Demonstration

24 Sep The 1884 Franchise Demonstrations in the Lancaster Area

During the summer and autumn of 1884, Britain saw perhaps the largest series of political demonstrations in its history. Thousands of processions and public meetings took place across the country in protest at the attempt...

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Coming Out

— A Poem about coming out in Lancaster by Sheelagh Houlihan

22 Sep Isaac Hitchen’s House Song

In 1806, five men were tried and executed for ‘sodomy’ at Lancaster Castle, following a raid on the house of Isaac Hitchen in Warrington. Eleanor Levin has researched and written up this story into a...

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