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Girl Guides

25 Sep Girl Guides in Westmorland in World War One

As a Guide myself, I was interested to find out about how girls and women in the local community were involved in guiding during the war years. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any archival...

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25 Sep Caroline Marshall (1853-1927)

Caroline Marshall is not as well-known as her daughter, Catherine Marshall, a prominent suffragist and pacifist. Yet Caroline was an active suffragist, who founded the Keswick branch of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies...

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25 Sep Muriel Dowbiggin: World War 1 Lancaster Peace Activist

Muriel Dowbiggin left her mark on Lancaster’s civic life through her long service as a City Councillor and Mayor and as a peace activist and campaigner for women’s rights. She also left a strong impression...

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Lancaster No More War demo

24 Sep The Women’s Peace Movement in the Years after the First World War

The women's peace movement was at its strongest in the years following the First World War. Building on their experience of working for peace before and during the war, the 1920s saw a period of...

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23 Sep North West Women Speaking for Peace

From 1916 until the end of the war a growing group of women, many of whom had been active in the suffrage movement, began to promote peace through the Independent Labour Party (ILP). They travelled...

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