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09 Sep The Trial of the George Fox Six

Linda Mary-Smalley describes how the treatment of six activists at Lancaster University - dubbed in the press as the George Fox 6 - became a land mark event in both the criminalisation of dissent and...

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Striking Miners

08 Sep The Miners’ Strike 1984-5

The Miners’ Strike of 1984-5 was an event of huge national significance that also affected Lancaster and the surrounding area. Lancaster citizens formed both a Miners Support Group and hosted a summer camp for the...

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1926 General Strike

08 Sep The General Strike of 1926

The General Strike began on the 4th May 1926 with between 1.5 and 1.75 million workers throughout the country striking in solidarity. What follows is an account of what happened in Lancaster....

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05 Aug Isaac Hitchen’s House

In 1806, five men were tried and executed for ‘sodomy’ at Lancaster Castle, following a raid on the house of Isaac Hitchen in Warrington. Eleanor Levin has researched and written up this story into a...

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05 Aug Quaker Women Prison Reformers at Lancaster Castle

Margaret Fell and Elizabeth Fry are two significant female figures in Quaker history and both passed through Lancaster Castle: Fell was tried and imprisoned here as a religious dissident in the 1660s while Fry visited...

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