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05 Aug The Arrest of John Woodcock

This article tells the story of a 17th century Catholic priest who was pursued, arrested and executed for being at odds with the official religion of his day....

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05 Aug Thewlis And Wrennall

Two men are accused of dissent because of their Catholic faith. This article tells the story of their capture, their escape and their eventual fate...

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05 Aug The Burgess Altar

This article focuses on an altar constructed for the secret and illegal celebration of Mass in the 16th century, and on its subsequent history up to the present time. The story throws light on the...

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Court Record of Thomas Rhodes’s

04 Aug Thomas Rhodes

Thomas Rhodes was a conscientious objector living in Lancaster throughout the Second World War. In 1939 he co-founded the nine-member Lancaster branch of the Pacifist Advisory Bureau. ...

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Alwyne Walmesely

02 Jun The Walmesley Brothers: Alwyne Arthur Walmesley

Alwyne Walmesley was a Lancastrian Quaker, a teacher and a conscientious objector during World War One who was imprisoned twice for his pacifist belief....

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