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Charles Carter Building

04 Oct Sir Charles Carter

Charles Carter is an important figure in Lancaster’s recent history, having served as the University’s first Vice Chancellor from 1963-79. What many people may not know, however, is that, as a Quaker and pacifist, Carter...

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04 Oct Fenner Brockway

Fenner Brockway is a significant figure in British twentieth century politics. An ardent socialist and pacifist, his long political career had important connections with Lancaster: he stood twice, unsuccessfully, for election to the local parliamentary...

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Ruins of Whalley Abbey

04 Oct Abbot John Paslew

Was Abbot John Paslew loyal to his Catholic faith, or was his dissent based on self-interest? Rebecca Maddox explores this question with reference to the Pilgrimage of Grace - the largest peacetime rebellion against an...

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04 Oct Selina Martin

Lancaster’s Selina Martin was a pioneer in the movement for women’s suffrage who suffered for our political rights. This is her story....

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