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Courtesy of Labour History Archive and Study Centre (LHASC), Archive ref: LP/JSM/WR/1.i
‘The Register’ reported plans for the first No More War Movement demonstration to be held in the Botanic Park, Adelaide, Australia on 29 July 1923. This would coincide with other demonstrations internationally. The following resolution was to be put to the meeting:
‘In common with the citizens in a score of other countries, including Great Britain, France, Germany, United States of America and other great Powers, we, a mass meeting of citizens of Adelaide, on the ninth anniversary of the outbreak of the most terrible war in history, declare our abhorrence of war, and our conviction of the futility of war as a means of settling international disputes.’
The meeting would call upon the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to do all in its power to secure an immediate and drastic reduction in armaments. The No More War Movement was part of the larger War Resisters’ International.
References/Further Reading:
The Register, 21 July 1923.