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Courtesy of Labour History Archive and Study Centre (LHASC), Archive ref: LP/JSM/WR/1.i
There was very large gathering at the Crispin Hall, Street, on the evening of Friday, 19 September. This was timed to coincide with a weekend of meetings and demonstrations nationally and internationally of the No More War Movement. Mr Laurence Housman, an author and dramatist, moved the model resolution, which he said:‘was not drawn up by men of extreme mind, but was the agreed expression of the conviction of average minds which were intelligently awake to what was practical politics. It would be put before hundreds, possibly thousands of meetings that night and during the week-end.’ The resolution was carried ‘enthusiastically.’
On the Saturday evening a No More War demonstration was held in the Market Place in Wells, organised by the Western Federation of Trades’ Councils.
References/Further Reading:
Wells Journal, 26 Sep 1924.