TUC delegation to the Soviet Union
Courtesy of TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University
In 1924 a British Trades Union Congress (TUC) delegation was invited by the All Russian Council of Trade Unions to visit the USSR. An earlier delegation had taken place in 1920. The 1924 delegation arrived in November and stayed until late December, visiting Russia, Ukraine, the Caucuses and other areas and meeting with various Soviet workers’ organisations. As part of their visit they attended the sixth Congress of All Russian Trade Unions. The delegation included prominent trade union leaders such as the dockers’ leader, Ben Tillett (third from left seated in photo), and Fred Bramley (standing), the TUC General Secretary.
The delegates were welcomed by a demonstration of over 100,000 workers, a Red Army parade and a visit to Lenin’s tomb where they laid a wreath. The delegation received a very warm reception. Events included a huge workers’ demonstration, a Red Army parade and the delegates’ train being stopped at several towns by local welcoming committees.